#LCSM Chat tweets for Lung Cancer Awareness Month (#LCAM14)

During Lung Cancer Awareness Month this November (#LCAM14), #LCSM Chat (@lcsmchat on Twitter) will post daily tweets following the schedule below.   All times are Pacific. 6 AM:    lung cancer fact or statistic (check our list of ready-made tweets) 10 AM:  research or new treatment info (written or video) 2 PM:    inspirational survivor story (written or video) 6 PM:    #nostigma statements and/or #WhipLungCancer videos Some of our tweets will be new, some will be tweets we’ve posted in the past, and some will highlight tweets posted by others in the lung cancer community. Please… Read More

#LCSM Chat Topic 9/11: Planning the Social Media Campaign for Lung Cancer Awareness Month (#LCAM14)

Our September 11 #LCSM Chat on Twitter (at 8 PM ET, 5 PM PT) will be an opportunity to brainstorm, coordinate and plan social media activities for 2014 Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November. The chat will be moderated by Janet Freeman-Daily. In November 2013, the #LCSM community promoted lung cancer awareness using the hashtag #LCAM on Twitter. Each day of the month, we tweeted a different factoid or call to action related to lung cancer. Others retweeted those facts and posted them on social media sites like Facebook. You can find a… Read More