#LCSM Chat Topic 1/12 (2017)–“Lung cancer: who is at risk?”

Please join the #lcsm community and moderator @BrendonStilesMD for our first #LCSM Chat of 2017 on Thursday, January 12th, at 8 pm Eastern Time (5 pm Pacific).  The topic of the chat will be “Lung cancer: who is at risk?” Many in our own #lcsm community have either had lung cancer themselves or have family members who have been affected.  It is common therefore to wonder “Is my family at risk?” or “Am I next?” While exposure to tobacco smoke is the most well-known risk factor for lung cancer, other significant risk factors exist…. Read More

#LCSM Chat Topic 11/20 (8 PM EST): Know Your Radon Risk

What action would you take to protect your family if you suspected a killer was in your home? Radon gas is odorless, colorless, and classified as a human carcinogen by the World Health Organization, US National Academy of Sciences, US Department of Health and Human Services, and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Approximately 21,000 Americans will die from radon-induced lung cancer this year. Indoor exposure to radon gas is the second greatest known risk factor for lung cancer.  Radon exposure is a threat significant enough that nine federal agencies worked together to release the Federal Radon Action Plan in… Read More